Book Scanning

ASM DataCore Digitise  Books, Magazines, Catalogues, Publications, These and more. Our specialist equipment allows capture of extremely high resolution images ensuring the best possible quality is obtained.

    ISO27001 ISO9001

    BS 10008 Legal Admissibility of Electronic Data

    Registered with the ICO No ZA272652

    As specialists in digitising fragile archive collections, our scanning technicians are fully trained in professional handling procedures for working with delicate books and employ a gentle, “white gloves” approach at all times. This ensures that no harm or damage occurs to the originals.


    Our unique planetary overhead one-shot book digitising equipment is designed to apply the absolute minimum of pressure to the volumes during the digitisation process.

    As part of this, our book scanners feature state-of-the-art auto-adjusting book cradles, this effectively eliminates any unnecessary trauma on the books being digitised and ensures that books are totally supported at all times. We utilise a diffused, non-heat producing LED lighting system that diminish any risk of heat damage.

    OCR and Indexing can be applied to meet the clients requirements.

    For More Information Call  01264 336007
